I dropped my eldest off at football camp this morning, and on the way back, I had to pop into trusty Boots for some essentials. Just as I made my way to the till point, I was rather distracted and bedazzled by some lovely House Of Holland nails. I immediately knew I had to blog them for us, and as I neared the front of the store, look what else popped into my eager hands! This sparkly darling Mascara from none other than No.7! Now I need a new mascara like a hole in the head, but I’m looking pretty dire today after pulling a 1am prosecco-fuelled finish last night, so I feel my subconscious was giving me a subliminal pep talk by drawing me towards this product. No point in having a vanity case bursting with eye-fix remedies and not using them, is there? I didn’t have my make up bag out with me, so I hastily purchased my Ruby themed lovelies and nipped to the ladies’ in Costa, prior to meeting my best friend for a much needed caffeine fix. For daytime, I tend to go quite minimal on my eyes, so that when I am off out somewhere in the evening, I play on the contrast and can go for a vamped up version of myself. I usually stick with Mac on my eyes and a quick tidy up of my brows, which I have tinted regularly, but sometimes I need emergency revitalising so I was hoping No.7 would do its job here. Tentatively I rolled on the solution, using a hand pleasing stubby applicator which I personally prefer to the more popular skinny ones. This is how one volumised eye compared to my tired old bare one when I applied this Lash Impact delight. I’m sure you will agree, quite a dramatic difference. I didn’t even need to use much, just a few strokes on each lash to build the colour and I was done. Obviously, being someone who likes to feel quite well-balanced most of the time, I perked up my other eye too, and bounded out to meet my partner in crime with twinkling eyes and a spring in my step. So my bestie Andrea loves a fancy nail as much as I do and we greedily devoured these Elegant Touch for HofH nails, oooh-ing over the sparkle from the crystals attached. Only one criticism, in a pack of 24 nails, only 4 were encrusted, which doesn’t allow for much wastage or any nail loss although still really great value for £8.99. On the flip side, the reflective shine from the simple nails was lush, creating true drama for your talons. You probably would only need the crusties on the pinkies for a unique flash of dazzle, and the unadorned ones for your other fingers. These are fantastic for a girls night out or wearing with a dramatic dress for a more formal occasion, bringing a sense of style to your tips and definitely putting your vamp stamp on the moment! All available at www.boots.com Have you tried either of these products? I’d love to hear about it if you have!